Doing east coast tourdates this spring with a new electric trio. Joining me will be Matt Brandau on bass guitar, and Keith Robinson on drums. We'll be doing songs from that new LP Mr. Brandau and I have been working on, along with tunes from my recent solo recordings and faves from the bands' catalogs. Mark one down – we'd love to see you. Had a rousing inaugural set at Pete's Candy Store in Brooklyn this past Saturday. Thank you to everyone who came out.
Fri March 7 Bowery Electric New York, NY
Sun March 9 Superfine Brooklyn, NY
Fri March 21 Splitty Brooklyn, NY
Sun April 6 Rockwood Music Hall 1 New York, NY
Sat April 12 Cusbah Washington DC
Sun April 13 Pine Lakes Tavern Myrtle Beach SC
Tue April 15 Grey Eagle Asheville NC
Wed April 16 Bourgie Nights Wilmington NC
Thu April 17 The Garage Winston-Salem NC
Fri April 18 Shakori Hills Grassroots Festival Silk Hope NC
Sat April 19 Shakori Hills Grassroots Festival Silk Hope NC
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