Also coming up is our set at Brooklyn Americana Music Festival on 9/23. We will be performing under the Archway in Dumbo at 9 PM. Amazing talent throughout venues in Brooklyn – admission is free, but you can contribute to the cause at the festival's Kickstarter page here.

Rest of the run: we're doing a two-night stand in Charleston SC at The Commodore on 10/2 and 3. This historic stop on the R&B circuit hosted Marvin Gaye and James Brown, among others. We'll be playing our first show in Athens GA on 10/4, on the roof of the Georgia Theater. We return to Charlotte NC on 10/6 for a special double bill with Occasional Milkshake (Mark Bryan, Hank Futch, Gary Greene) at the Visulite Theater.
Our Hobex set at the Cradle for Be Loud 16 was so much fun! Thanks to my Hobex brothers Andy Ware and Rob Ladd for bringing it. Singing with Preeesh again was also a real treat. $46,000+ was raised over the weekend for the Be Loud Sophie foundation. For you Hobex junkies, here's a clip from our set:

More soon,
9/17 Music Farm Columbia SC ^
9/23 Under the Archway Brooklyn NY #
10/1 Carolina Ramble Bethel NC
10/2 The Commodore Charleston SC
10/3 The Commodore Charleston SC
10/4 Georgia Theater Athens GA
10/6 Visulite Theater Charlotte NC %
10/22 Downtown Beats & East Wilson NC
^ Trio at Elbow Room Reunion
# Trio at Brooklyn Americana Music Festival
% Trio with Mark Bryan's Occasional Milkshake
Tickets and Information here.
Although our PledgeMusic campaign has ended, it's not too late to get the album! Visit our store for LUCKY GUY VINYL and Electric Trio, Greg Humphreys, and Hobex CDs.
YT playlist of Electric Trio set from Stand against HB2, shot by Gregory Silva:

Lucky Guy press highlights:
Popdose album review
No Depression album review
The Vinyl District First Date series
Elmore magazine record review
Winston-Salem Journal show preview
WUNC State of Things interview
Elmore Magazine video premiere
Indy Week show preview
Wilmington Star News album review
Blue Ridge Outdoors Trail Mix
Indie Band Guru album review
Impose Magazine interview

Side 1:
Lucky Guy
Sayin' What You Mean
Golden Bone
Side 2:
So Fucked Up
More Than a Friend
All Because of You
Someday I’ll Have My Due